> WBJEE JELET Syllabus 2021 - Download Pdf Now - SYLLABUS DEKHO

WBJEE JELET Syllabus 2021 – Download Pdf Now

Joint Entrance Examination for Lateral Entry (JELET 2021) is conducted by WBJEEB (West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board) for admission to MCA and B.Tech (Lateral Entry) in institutes of West Bengal.

The paper is held for 120 minutes test with 100 questions carrying one mark each. The syllabus would be different for various streams and would depend on the diploma syllabus.

JELET 2021 Highlights

The paper pattern highlights are given here:

Features Description
Mode of Exam Pen and Paper based (Offline)
Number of Papers 1
Number of questions 100
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Total Marks 100
Exam Duration 2 hours
Question Paper Language English only
Marking Scheme +1 for each correct answer
Negative Marking -1/4 for each wrong response

Aspirants can download the WBJEE JELET Syllabus 2021 – Download Pdf Now from the official website.

Check out>> CG PET Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2021 – Download Pdf Now

JELET 2021 Exam Dates

Candidates can check the list of JELET 2021 dates from the table given below:

Events Important Dates (Tentative)
Release of application form 04-May-2021
Final date to submit the application form 24-May-2021
JELET 2021 application form correction 25-May-2021 to 27-May-2021
Availability of admit card 23-Aug-2021
JELET 2021 29-Aug-2021 (11 AM to 1 PM)
Announcement of result September 11, 2021
Start of the counselling process To be notified

JELET 2021 Exam Pattern

Candidates can check the detailed JELET 2021 exam pattern from the table given below:

Particulars Details
Mode Offline i.e., Pen-and-Paper-Based Test
Duration 2 Hours
Medium of Exam English
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions
Total Number of Questions 100
Marking Scheme 1 mark will be given for every correct answer. ¼ marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.

JELET 2021 Exam Pattern – Division of Questions

Candidates can check the division of questions in JELET 2021 exam pattern below:

Category Topic No. of questions
Compulsory for all candidates with

Diploma in Engineering / Technology.

Engineering Mathematics 20
Electrical Technology 15
Computer Application 20
Environmental Engineering 15
For candidates with Diploma in Engineering / Technology except for Printing Technology and Agricultural Engineering Engineering Mechanics 15
Strength of Materials 15
For candidates with Diploma in Printing Technology Basic Printing Engineering 15
Printers’ Materials Science 15
For candidates with Diploma in Agricultural Engineering Soil & Water 10
Farm Machinery and Power 10
Food Processes and Food Harvest Engineering 10

JELET 2021 Syllabus

1. Engineering Mathematics

Chapters Topics
Matrix and vector Matrix – Definition – Order of a matrix – Leading element – Principal diagonal. Types of matrices – Null matrix -Square matrix – Identity matrix – Upper and lower triangular matrix – Symmetric matrix.

Determinant of a square matrix – Minors and cofactors – Procedures for evaluation – Properties of determinants (no deduction) – Evaluation of determinant by Ohio’s method (4th order) – Problems.

Concept of vector-Addition and subtraction of vectors- Multiplication of a vector by a scalar – Position vector of a point – Ratio formula – rectangular resolution of a vector – Dot and cross product – Geometrical interpretation -Distributive law – Applications.

Numerical methods Meaning of interpolation – Difference table – Newton’s forward interpolation formula (no deduction) – Problems. Introduction to numerical integration – Formulae for composite trapezoidal and Simpson’s 1/3 rule (no deduction) – Related problems. Numerical solution of non-linear equations – Formula for Newton-Raphson method (no deduction) – Problems.

Numerical solution of a system of the linear equation – Gauss-Elimination Method (no deduction) – Problems.

Differential equations Definition – Order and degree of a differential equation – Differential equations of 1st order and 1st degree – Separation of variables – Problems. Homogeneous differential equations – Equations reducible to the homogeneous form – Problems. Exact differential equations – equations reducible to the exact form – problems. Linear equations – Bernoulli’s equations. Differential equations of 2nd order with constant coefficients –

Complementary function and particular integral – Problems

Probability and statistics Introduction – Random experiment – Sample space – Events. Classical and axiomatic definition of probability. Addition and multiplication theorem – Related problems.

Statistics – Frequency distribution. The measure of central tendency – Mean – Median – Mode – Standard deviation – Simple problems

2. Computer Applications & Programming

Chapters Topics
Introduction to computer A brief history of the evolution of computers

Various components of a computer (brief knowledge)

Hardware-CPU, inputs output system, primary memory, secondary memory.

Peripherals devices – Printers, plotters, scanners, digitals cameras, webcam. sound card & speaker systems, dictaphone

Software Operating system, system software like compilers and device drivers, and various application software (definitions only).

Information representation Number system: Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal

Conversion of number systems signed and unsigned representation Binary arithmetic & compliments,

Character codes: ASCII. BCD & Gray codes

Basics of software Classification of Software systems-system software and application software. Basic concepts of compilers, interpreters, assemblers and device drives

Operating system – Single user, multi-user, graphical user interfaces and characters user interfaces.

Case studies: MS-DOS, Windows

Introduction to programming Algorithm and flowchart Different types of programming languages – machine level, assembly level and high-level languages (basic concepts only)

A brief introduction to different high-level languages including C Basics of C-Language

Branching and looping statements Arrays and user-defined functions

Computer networking and the internet Basics of Computer Networking – LAN, MAN, WAN (definitions only) Client-Server architecture (elementary level)

Internetworking concepts of world wide web, domain name system emails Web browsing, use of search engines, web site hosting (elementary level).

  1. Electrical technology
Chapters Topics
Kirchoff’s law Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws, Star-delta transformations – Simple problems on all topics.
A. C. fundamentals Concept & significance of R.M.S. value, peak value, average value, crest factor and form factor of sinusoidal voltage/current – Equation of instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage/current – Simple problems on all.
A. C. series circuit R-L & R-C A.C. series circuit (no deduction, only the expressions of voltage, current & power for sinusoidal sources), power factor, power triangle simple problems.
Storage cell, transformer, motors etc. Basic Principle of Storage cell, DC. motors, Transformer, A.C. generators & motors (No deduction & problems).
Magnetic circuit Concept on the magnetic circuit, Definitions and units of magnetic flux, m.m.t. and reluctance, the analogy with an electrical circuit, simple problems.
Motor starter Need of motor starter mentioning some names useful for D.C. motors & A.C. motors.
Motors for industrial uses Simple Electrical Circuit for motor installation, using the block diagram of different components
Power generation, transmission and distribution A brief idea about the power generation, transmission and distribution using a block diagram of different stages.
Voltage stabilizer and UPS system A brief idea about the operational principle of voltage stabilizer and UPS system (no description of the internal circuit)
House wiring Simple idea house wiring starting from the commencement of supply, using a necessary diagram, the role of fuses / MCB, fault finding & earthing concept.
Lighting schemes Types of lighting schemes and factors considered for designing lighting schemes i.e. illumination level, uniformity of illumination, the colour of light, glare, mounting height, spacing between luminaires, the colour of surrounding walls etc.
Wattmeter and Meggar Uses & connection diagram of Wattmeter – Use of Meggar with circuit diagram.
Electrical energy and measurement Electrical energy measurement (no mathematical deduction & description of apparatus) – circuit diagram for single phase energy-meter connection.
  1. Environmental Engineering
Chapters Topics
Air and environment Man & Environment. Overview {socio-economic structure & occupational exposures)

Scope of Environmental Engineering – pollution problem due to urbanisation & industrialisation

Air pollution Causes of air pollution – types & sources of air pollutants – Climatic & Meteoro-logical effect on -air pollution concentration -formation of smog & fumigation
Analysis of air pollutants Collection of Gaseous Air Pollutants – Collection of Participate Pollutants -Analysis of Air Pollutants like Sulphur dioxide – Nitrogen oxide – Carbon monoxide – Oxidants & Ozone –

Hydrocarbons – Particulate Matter

Air pollution control measures and equipment Control of Particulate Emission – Control of Gaseous Emission – Flue Gas Treatment Methods: Stacks Gravitational and Inertia! Separation. Settling Chambers, Dynamic Separators.

Cyclones. Filtration, Liquid Scrubbing. Spray Chambers. Packed Towers. Orifice and Venturi Scrubbers, Electrostatic Precipitators. Gas/ solid Absorption, Thermal Decomposition

Methods and approach of air pollution control Controlling smoke nuisance — Develop air quality criteria and practical emission standards – creating zones suitable for industry based on micrometeorology of air area — Introducing artificial methods of removal of particulate and matters of waste before discharging to open atmosphere
Water and environmental water sources Origin of wastewater — Type of ‘water pollutants and their effects
Different sources of water pollution Biological Pollution (point & non-point sources) – Chemical Pollutants: Toxic Organic & Inorganic Chemicals – Oxygen demanding substances – Physical Pollutants: Thermal Waste

Radioactive waste – Physiological Pollutants: Taste affecting substances – other forming substances

Water pollution and its control Adverse effects on Human Health & Environment, Aquatic life, Animal life, Plantlife — Water Pollution Measurement Techniques – Water Pollution Control Equipment & Instruments – Indian Standards for Water Pollution Control
Soil polluting agencies and effect of solution Liquid & Solid Wastes – Domestic & industrial Wastes – Pesticides – Toxic: Inorganic & Organic Pollutants – Soil Deterioration – Poor Fertility, Septicity. Ground Water Pollution,

The concentration of Infecting Agents in Soil

Solid waste disposal Dumping domestic & Industrial Solid Wastes: Advantages & Disadvantages – Incineration: Advantages & Disadvantages – Sanitary Land Field: Advantages & Disadvantages – Management of Careful &Sanitary Disposal of Solid Wastes
Noise and environmental management system, noise pollution and control Noise Pollution: Intensity, Duration – Types of Industrial Noise – III effects of Noise -Noise Measuring & Control – Permissible Noise Limits
Environmental legislations, Authorities and systems Air & Water Pollution Control Acts & Rules (Salient Features only) – Functions of State / Central Pollution Control Boards – Environmental Management System ISO 14000 (Salient Features only)


JELET 2021 Result

JELET 2021 Result will be declared on the JELET Website i.e., www.wbjeeb.in/jelet.aspx. Candidate can check their result by logging in with their roll number. 

How to Check JELET 2021 Result?

  • Visit the official website of WBJEE JELET 2021.
  • Login using Registration Number and Password
  • Click on the “Submit” button
  • Rank Card will be displayed on the new screen
  • View the scores and save it for future use

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